About Us

Who we are?

We are Nepalese American Law Enforcement Association

Nepalese American Law Enforcement Association was founded in 2023 and is a non-profit organization committed to making a positive impact on our community and beyond. We firmly believe in the power of unity, collaboration, and services. NALEA is driven by several core motives, all aimed at promoting the spirit of fraternity and fostering stronger relationships among all Nepalese, Bhutanese, Tibetan, and South Asian descent communities residing in America, empowering our fellow law enforcement officials, and bridging the gap between law enforcement and the community.

Our first motive is to recruit and inspire more Nepalese- Americans and individuals from various communities into law enforcement. We aim to foster diversity and a sense of representation and create a more inclusive law enforcement environment.

Building strong relationships among law enforcement officials of Nepalese heritage is another vital aspect of our mission. By fostering camaraderie and mutual support within our agency, all our members can thrive and contribute their unique insights to improve law enforcement practices.

Furthermore, we are committed to assisting fellow members of law enforcement agencies in attaining their professional goals. We strive to be a helping hand, providing guidance, mentorship, and support to our fellow officers in times of need.

One of our key goals is to bridge the gap between law enforcement and the community. We believe that effective communication, transparency, and understanding are essential for building trust and mutual respect. Through proactive engagement, open dialogue, and community outreach initiatives, we aim to foster positive relationships, dispel misconceptions, and work collaboratively with the public to ensure safety and security for all.

As a socially responsible association, we actively participate in charity work and create effective programs that facilitate education and in critical areas, we are committed to promoting officials’ safety, enhancing community-police relations, preventing crime, and ensuring personal safety, with a special emphasis on children’s issues. We strive to make a lasting impact on the well-being and welfare of our community.

Lastly, we conduct law enforcement awareness programs within the community. These programs aim to educate and inform the public about role and responsibilities of law enforcement officials. We aim to empower individuals to actively contribute to the safety and security of their neighborhoods while building stronger ties between law enforcement and the public.

At Nepalese American Law Enforcement Association (NALEA), we are driven by the value of services, integrity, and collaboration. We are dedicated to making a positive difference in our community and ensuring a safer and more inclusive environment for all. Please Join us in this remarkable endeavor as we strive to build a better future together.

NALEA is an organization that represents and supports Nepalese Americans working in law enforcement in the United States.

NALEA engages in community outreach and strives to enhance relationships between law enforcement agencies and the Nepalese American community.

NALEA provides a platform for Nepalese American law enforcement professionals to connect, share experiences, and exchange information on best practices.